Saturday, February 16, 2013


Imagine a large airy room. It's a splendid room. The walls have burnished oak panelling and the floor is tastefully tiled with regular patterns of deep green and grey. There are tall curtained lattice windows looking out to a verdant garden.

It's a bit dusty though, and, well, empty. There are just you and the cobwebs.

You look around to try and find anything of interest.

You find nothing. The room is empty.

Before you entered the room you didn't know what to expect. But, you thought that there would be more than this!

You grasp the ornate brass door handle before giving the room one last disappointed glance and then you leave, unfulfilled.

It's a sad, sad tale. What's even sadder is that the owner of the room was watching all the time. Maybe he has a little spy hole in one of the wall panels. Maybe he's behind one of the apple trees in the garden. Maybe he's just omnipresent.

But when he saw the expression on your face as you were leaving his heart became heavy. He shared your sense of emptiness.

All the while he wanted to say, "It's such a lovely room! Please, stay a while".

There's real love in this room. A sense of pride expressed by the workmanship in every tile; in the deep pile of the curtains; in the gleaming polish of the door handle.

You see, the room's not empty. It's just not full yet.

Over time, the room will be enriched with luxurious and interesting curios and knick-knacks. Lots of interesting things to enjoy, to ruminate upon and to share.

That's what will happen with Strongly Typed. I'll add more and more snippets of wonder to keep you coming back to the wonderful room.

So next time, please, stay a while.

Because it's great to meet you.

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